Friday, February 24, 2006

Tell me something good.

I feel that I have been a bit negative, which, unfortunately, has been happening a lot lately. So instead of ranting about the nitwitted people in my office, I thought I would go somewhere positive. (Don't worry Carey, I'll save the rant for next week.)

Tell me something good about your week. It can be anything, big or small. Your favorite food was on sale at the grocery store, you got a good parking spot, you got a raise, you had fantastic sex, anything.

I’ll go first. I got in four workouts so far this week. I am headed to the gym again tonight and tomorrow for spinning. That? Pleases me to no end. *hops*

And in other news, Poopie is 8 months old today. I took her out early last night so that I could bring her up to bed with me to cuddle. DH found us later, sound asleep under the covers, both of our heads on my pillow, with me spooning her. I must kiss that dog 100 times a day. There is nothing like coming home with her wiggling like crazy, ecstatic to see me. Love that.

Your turn. Tell me something good.


At 10:36 AM, Blogger Bravie said...

Hmmmm. This has not been a great week for me, so let me see.

My boss told me "you so rock, I couldn't imagine this place without you" That was nice to hear.

Artichokes were on sale, 2 for $1.50. These were the HUGE artichokes. I love artichoke season.

I had a great hair day yesterday. I mean, it was like...fantastic. Too bad I only went to work and then home. It was the kind of hair day that should have been seen by millions.

I think that is all.

And? awwwwwwwwww to you cuddling with your baby in bed and sharing a pillow. *melt*

At 11:00 AM, Blogger kim (weltek) said...

I need a dose of this, too.

Um, we made venison jerky and it's quite delicious. Sweet & Spicy. My favorite.

At 11:04 AM, Blogger thndrkttn said...

Perfect Carey!

Nice compliment from your boss!! Um, I don't think I'll be telling TEE that anytime soon *snortle*

Artichokes leaves are so yummy dipped in melted butter. Yum! Nice find.

With hair like that, you should to the store and picked up more artichokes.

Thea spends most of her evening curled up with one of us. If we don't let her up on the couch, she gives us the "You don't love me anymore look" and we both cave.

It's funny. As soon as she is let up on the couch, it's almost as if she smirks and is thinking "Yeah, I know how to play mom and dad like.a.fiddle." Typical chick.

At 11:04 AM, Blogger thndrkttn said...

*drool* I love venison. Venison anything. So you're sending me some right?

At 11:05 AM, Blogger Bravie said...

I take it back. I did go to the store after work yesterday, so a few dozen were able to see the wonder that was my hair. But I should have gone back. I should have taken a picture because I don't think I'll ever have another hair day like that again.

I'm not a huge fan of venison. I think I ate too much as a kid and I just don't want it anymore.

Those damn animals, they do play us like a fiddle. Leo pouts and acts as if he isn't loved if I don't share my food with him. He begs like a little dog. Michelle calls him her little dog.

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Hm. Well for starters, it's Friday!
-The jeans that I ordered online came. I haven't worn jeans in about 3 months since I ripped my last pair. I missed them!
-My mom bought me a mascara that I have been wanting to try. Saved me $6-7. Score!

I think that's all I got.

At 12:35 PM, Blogger kim (weltek) said...

My dad hunted, but turned everything into summer sausage and some burger when I was a kid. It wasn't until I was with Nolay that I started eating venison steaks & tenderloin. Now we bought a commercial grinder and do all the processing ourselves. It's a lot cheaper and we can custom make everything. We're still working on good breakfast & italian sausage.

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Lasann said...

Something good about my week, hum, I made it through a work week without taking any time off; My laptop came back from the fixer-people; I started working out again after a 2 month sabatical. Not a bad week.

At 2:00 PM, Blogger thndrkttn said...

Carey, one of my friends had a cat like Leo. He loved pizza and potato chips. When was really little, if you left a bag of chips out, you would later see it moving independantly across the floor. Jake was inside munching down.

Man oh man, Kim. It sounds like you guys eat like kings. I've always wanted to be a dinner guest at your house.

Jen thanks for reminding me. I am also in need of new mascara. Enjoy your new jeans. There is nothing like getting stuff you ordered in the mail. It's like presents that your brain has conveniently forgotten that you paid for.

Good for your Lasann for getting back in the gym. Always a good thing.

At 2:35 PM, Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Yes, but I'm always jealous of your pasta making. I can only aspire to have an ounce of your pasta greatness.

At 2:37 PM, Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Oh, and carey, tell me what to do with artichokes. Having only used canned or jarred hearts, I once bought an artichoke. I tried peeling off some leaves, chopping it up & auteeing it but it was gross & bitter. I know I totally fucked it up. How do you prepare your 'chokes?

At 2:43 PM, Blogger Bravie said...

OMH, pasta is one of my favorite foods ever on earth. *hops*

I steam my chokes in water and balsamic vinegar. I steam them whole for about an hour and then I dip the leaves in melted butter.
I put the stem and the heart to the side until all of the leaves are gone and then I mash them into melted butter and eat it all mashed up. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

*waits for Tkit's pasta*

At 2:44 PM, Blogger thndrkttn said...

Kim, the next time we make pasta, I PROMISE to send you some. And yes, Carey, I'll send you some too. *smooch*

At 2:44 PM, Blogger Bravie said...

And? Leo loves potato chips. He prefers Doritos. He likes processed ham but not processed turkey. He likes chicken breast but doesn't like the dark meat. He likes real crab but not the imitation stuff. He also enjoys blueberry muffins very very much.

At 2:46 PM, Blogger kim (weltek) said...

I bet Tkit's pasta & Carey's artichoke butter mixed together would be divine. And, no, that's not code.

At 2:51 PM, Blogger thndrkttn said...

*SNORT* @ Kim HA!

At 2:52 PM, Blogger Bravie said...


At 9:05 PM, Blogger momma said...

The Good: I survived work last week without pulling out all of my hair nor killing anyone. I have had a day to myself today. It has rained today - almost 6" of rain! Yay!

The Not So Good: I barely survived. I spent most of my alone day running errands in the rain.

The Great: Um. Uh. Lemme think on that and I'll get back to ya, k?

btw - I need some of Kim's venison and your pasta. I'll send you guys...something.

At 1:08 PM, Blogger HistoryDetective said...

The Good: I finished a postdoctoral application and got it in the mail before the deadline.

The Great: The day after my birthday I visited a buddy who held two of the top five places on my "Hot Sexual Encounters of All Time" list. He now has three of the top ten positions (... and there were at least that many positions)!

At 1:09 PM, Blogger mm said...

Good stuff...hmmm, I know! My mom sent me a gift certificate to get my hair done. That will be nice. :)

At 1:50 PM, Blogger lights said...

Sorry I'm so late to the party Kitty! I've been a little negative myself lately.

Thursday night I tried something new during Survivor. We had sex while Survivor was on. *giggle* I don't know if I'd recommend it though. Kinda distracting.

Holly and I cuddle in bed too. I love her cute little doggie smell and kiss her 100 time a day too. At night when I get home from work I normally sit in the lazy boy and read the paper. She lays at my feet for the most part but some days she needs some attention and will give a little sneeze. That's my cue to put the paper away and she jumps up on my chest and we snuggle for a while. I can't believe how much I love that dog.

At 10:35 AM, Blogger Bravie said...

I haven't gotten banned yet. That's a good thing, yes?

At 11:17 AM, Blogger thndrkttn said...

You and I are in the same boat. Rulz posted on another thread--

Without a deep analysis...
That looks just plain stoopid and wrong to me.

I had this all written out but didn't hit post.

"I could say the same about every single post you made in the abortion thread."

I seriously hope that if we have the big peep meet, Wayne, Rulz and Cygnus decide that it's best if they don't come. I can seem some huge screaming matches taking place and that certainly would not be in the spirit of the meet. I can honestly say that I would tell Cygnus straight to his face, "I have not one thing to say to you, EXCEPT keep your idiotic, moronic, chauvanistic opinions the f*ck out of my body."

At 12:50 PM, Blogger Bravie said...

Rulz is clueless about how detested he is and I would bet that he will go if he can. I can be civil to pretty much everybody else but there is no way i could be civil to him. If he ever approached me, I would tell him to walk away from me.

And I saw where he posted that. *rolls eyes*

At 1:27 PM, Blogger Schnookie said...

I just got "beaded" *giggle*

a coworker went to a mardi-gras parade in Mobile, AL and brought us all some beads. He just beaded me. Crap, they are heavy. One necklace has a cute little alligator on it. He says I got the good stuff cause he gave out the cheapies yesterday and I wasn't in LOL. Best part ... I didn't have to flash him for the beads :-)

At 8:25 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

You and I have the same first and middle names and the same blog layout. That seems pretty damn good to me.


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