Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I? Am a clutz.

Seriously, I should be wrapped in bubble wrap.

In the last 18 months, I have sprained and torn ligaments in both ankles and torn ligaments in my right forearm.

Two weekends ago, DH was cutting down trees and there was one branch he was having a hard time pulling down. He cut halfway through the branch, threw a rope around it and was trying to pull it down. I decided to help. I got in front of DH to help pull. He wrapped the rope around his waist to use his body weight. At the last second, to get a better grip, I put one wrap of the rope around my right hand. We were supposed to go on the count of three but he went before and put all 215 pounds of pressure on the rope and that? CRUSHED.MY.HAND. Okay. Idiotic? Sure. So hand gets all swollen and green. Nothing is broken but damn, it’s hurty.

On this particular hand, I already have four, count ‘em FOUR ½ inch burns from the woodstove. So I started wearing oven mitts when fooling with the fire resulting in? Setting the oven mitts on fire. DH is getting me some special fire proof gloves.

And finally, last night I was taking Poopie out early so I could take her upstairs and cuddle with her before DH came up. We have a door off of our mudroom that leads down three steps to a landing that leads to the outside door which I had opened. I was trying to put my sneakers on with the steps to my back. What happened? I lost my balance, fell backwards down the three steps and fell against the door with door knob right in my left lat. HUGE bruise on my back and it's very, very hurty.

*sigh* Are any of you this clutzy?


At 9:44 AM, Blogger Bravie said...

*points and laughs*

Oooops, I mean, are you okay? *kisses booboos*

I'm not really clutzy, I don't think.

At 9:49 AM, Blogger momma said...

Poor Tkit. *smooch*

At 9:59 AM, Blogger thndrkttn said...

Not funny!

The fall down the stairs was baaaad. *waaaaaaaahhhhhh*

At 10:12 AM, Blogger Bravie said...

Awwwwwww, poor Tkit. *smooches*

At 11:30 AM, Blogger Swami said...

No. I fall once in while, like slip on the ice or miss a step or something. But setting your own glove on fire? That's a gift.

Now I'm picturing you in that commercial where this guy is on the phone and something boils over and catches on fire, so he tries to move the pot with a broom (because he's tied to a corded phone) and then the broom catches on fire and he waves the flaming broom around setting his kitchen on fire too. Was it like that?

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Aislinn Sirk said...

Bubble wrap may be the best choice.

Or maybe an entire bouncy bubble, like Jackie Chan had in one of his movies. He went off a cliff and never even got hurt.

You should get one of those.

At 12:48 PM, Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Ow. Those stories made me wince. Poor tkit!

I'm generally not clutzy, but out of nowhere, if I'm wearing chunky heels, I'll sometimes wobble & stumble. I did that in a crosswalk of a busy street once. Boy did I feel like a dork.

At 4:04 PM, Blogger ~Nutz said...

Gosh! You really do need to be wrapped in bubble wrap! Be careful out there, mmm kkk?

*gentle hugs*

Hey! Wait! Bubble wrap in not good! It is not fireproof! It will melt and stick to your skin resulting in horrible disfiguration!

Better get one of those fire blankets instead!

At 4:46 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Ouchy. *gives tkit some tylenol* *smooch*

I am a little bit clumsy, I guess. I trip over my own feet sometimes. Especially walking up stairs- I trip a lot. I have never fallen down stairs though, or set an oven mitt on fire. That takes talent. :)

At 6:35 PM, Blogger mm said...

Not too klutzy here, I don't think. I'm glad I didn't see you fall though, I might have laughed and that would have been rude.

Poor Tkit! {{hugs}}

At 12:01 PM, Blogger Lasann said...


At 4:11 PM, Blogger Zombs said...

You have the honor of having the Class of 1988 Class Klutz here.

I do hoave a pretty funny mental image of you and two oven mitts on fire though. Those wacky upstaters!

At 4:55 PM, Blogger Bravie said...

I like upstaters. *grin*

At 8:08 PM, Blogger lights said...

Poor Kitty. I have my clutzy moments too. Tonight I tried to open my sister's china cabinet and got my finger caught in the knob. Stop laughing.

At 10:09 AM, Blogger Bravie said...

Ack!! I just made a remark on OT about us jumping on the bed. But if you're a clutz, that might not be a good idea. *grin*

At 11:31 AM, Blogger thndrkttn said...

You know they saying, it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye? If anybody is going to lose an, you know it will be me. But that's okay cuz I could wear the black eye patch and say "Arrrrggh Matey" a lot and that's cool.

I should really take a picture of the bruise on my back and show all of you. It's in the exact shape of the bottom half of the door knob.

At 12:07 PM, Blogger Bravie said...

I wouldn't mind seeing you in one of those wench outfits. *grin*

At 4:32 PM, Blogger Puffy said...

Don't run while holding scissors.

I smashed a light bulb with my bare hands about 15 minutes ago.

At 11:35 AM, Blogger Monstah said...

Poor Tkit. Funny. I would not have picked you for a clutz.


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