Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Plan.

Okay, Kids. After much deliberation, we have come up with a plan that puts me out of this job and into another one in 91 days or less. I am going to switch fields. I have 12 years of experience in the legal field. 11 as a paralegal.

I have decided to go into Estates and Trusts and I’ll explain why a little later. Now do I know much about Estates and Trusts? No, but I know a lot about the distribution and disposal of assets from my current field. Am I going to go out and get a book on Estates and Trusts so that I can read up on different types of wills, trusts and current case law before I start interviewing? It has already been ordered. I am hoping to get a pretty good idea so I can start interviewing which could be as soon as August 15th. There are always Estates and Trusts positions open in Albany and I’ll be taking roughly a 10k paycut but that’s okay as I will be relying on them to train me or to give me the tools and resources to train myself.

Now, the reason I chose E&T is where we are headed to. I plan on staying in the new job (given that I like it) for two years to gain experience. We are then moving north to an area that is populated by wealthy baby boomers and older folks. While that may sound like an awful place to be, it’s not. With the experience that I gain while I’m in Albany, I’ll *hopefully* get picked up by a firm up there. With 14 years under my belt and 2 in the necessary field, I should be okay both finding a job and one with a decent salary. The cost of living up there is probably 35% less than what it is here. Real estate is more like 40-45% less than what it is here. Now I went on to find out that the paralegals up there are making and it’s just a couple grand less than what I make here. Fine by me. After two years in his new position, my husband could pretty much write his own ticket up there and has already started to look at firms in that area.

Now to the exciting part. Probably 5 years after we get up there, we are going to start our own practice. My husband was a financial planner before being Chief Compliance Officer of his firm. He did all kinds of estate planning, etc. We would pull my dad in who is a CPA and start our own financial planning firm. There are several retirement communities in that area that we could solicit.

Okay. So that is the rough beginning of our plan. Your thoughts?


At 11:19 AM, Blogger Bravie said...

That is so awesome. I'm so happy that you are working on this plan and getting out of where you are now. It sounds like you two have put a lot of thought and energy into this plan. Good for you. *smooch*
I'm very very proud of you. *hugs*

At 11:36 AM, Blogger thndrkttn said...

So you think it's a good plan? We have been thinking about a plan for soooo long and this one just came to us. In the evening, we often sit in the living room with some music on and just talk. Friday, we were sitting there discussing and it all seemed to come together! I hope it all works out. This place is slowly killing me and my liver.

At 11:43 AM, Blogger Bravie said...

I think any plan to get you out of your current situation is a good plan. and it may have just come to you but it appears to all just sort of fall into place for the two of you.
And? It gets you out earlier than you had previously thought.
So yes, very good plan. It makes me very happy for you.

At 1:33 PM, Blogger Schnookie said...

Good for you t-kitty! It's great that you and your DH are taking a firm hand in how your futures will be. Kudos to you both!

I wish you luck with each step along the way. There's no doubt in my mind that you will be successful and most of all, happy. The way you should be!!!


At 4:41 PM, Blogger kim (weltek) said...

As carey said, any plan that gets you out of your job soon is a good one! Dream big,hon!

At 7:42 PM, Blogger Puffy said...

Ditto what the others said. I think planning for your future is important, not just letting your future happen to you. That's what you are doing and that's the field you're going into. The field will be huge very soon, due to the population shifting to older people. Good luck!!

At 9:45 AM, Blogger Zombs said...

Great idea!

I mean I don't know anything about what you are doing but it sounds like a solid plan to me!

You are always going to need Estate and Trust planners! People are always gonna die!

I like the idea about your own business. It would be great too if you could open it up in a brand new gorgeous house too! Home Office!

At 10:34 AM, Blogger Swami said...

That sounds like a very good plan, T-kitty! Like Puffy said, that kind of financial planning is a growth industry for sure.

My DH (who is a CPA & banker) plans to supplement his retirement by managing the estates of a few people, similar to what you are planning.

At 6:12 PM, Blogger lights said...

Any plan that moves you closer to Ontario has my seal of approval. :D


I wish you and DH all the best of luck, but with your brains and charm, I'm sure the luck won't be necessary.

At 8:06 AM, Blogger thndrkttn said...

Thanks for all the props you guys. I am definitely nervous about switching to a new field but excited nonetheless. I love running stuff by you guys. You are a wealth of knowledge and I so appreciate it!

At 11:46 AM, Blogger Breezy said...

Wow! Great plan! Good luck.

At 4:55 PM, Blogger kim (weltek) said...

And when you make oodles of money, you'll buy us all plane tickets to come to your sprawling estate & vist, right?

At 3:19 PM, Blogger Glowie said...

That's a great plan. It's obvious that you put a lot of thought into it. Good luck, TKit.

At 10:56 AM, Blogger HistoryDetective said...

Well, I suppose that sounds like a good plan, but I have heard that there is good money in doggie day care. Maybe keep that in mind as a backup plan...? (It's what I'm going to do if grad school doesn't work out.)

At 2:46 PM, Blogger thndrkttn said...

HD, I would do doggy daycare in a heartbeat if there were a market for it up there which I really don't think there is. I would specialize in bigger breeds, like ummmm, lemme see, maybe labs? ;-)

At 4:11 PM, Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Around here, since doggie day care is already a booming business, doggie business people are branching out. The latest are doggie physical therapy places with massage & swim therapy.

At 6:28 PM, Blogger Surveysez said...

Sounds like a plan.

At 10:05 AM, Blogger yvonne said...

Excellent plan, Tkit! Good for you!


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