...stolen from everybody else.
10 Favorites...
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Food: Watermelon
Favorite Band: Allman Brothers
Favorite Movie: Almost Famous
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Day Of the Week: Saturday
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Not a huge fan of ice cream but I'll go with Mint Chocolate Chip
Favorite Time of Day: 6:00 p.m.
9 Currents...
Current Mood: Anxious
Taste: Diet Dr. Pepper
Clothes: Univ. of Michigan t-shirt (Go Blue!) and Ithaca lacrosse shorts.
Current Computer Background: The picture of the pups that I posted down below.
Current Finger/Toenail Color: None/None. I need to paint my toes. That have been primed, I just need to get around to it. They will be painted Cherry Crush.
Current Time: 11:17 a.m. EST
Current Surroundings: Bonus room desk surrounded by various boxes and misc. items.
Current Annoyance(s): The dogs following my.every.single.move.
Current Thought: I don't feel like going to Lowe's to return a floor sample board.
8 Firsts...
First Best Friend: Bobby Guido
First Love: Bobby Guido
First Screen Name: thndrkttn
First Pet: Morgan (bunny)
First Piercing: Ears
First Crush: Bobby Guido
First Music: Prince's Purple Rain and Madonna
First Car: Grey Buick Century
7 Last...
Last Cigarette: 3 weeks ago
Last Drink: Diet Dr. Pepper (drinking it right now!)
Last Car Ride: Walmart and Bank of America.
Last Text Message: Sept 5. "Drive Fast and take lots of chances" from my DH when I was driving down to NC.
Last Movie Seen: 28 Days.
Last Phone call: Made to the painting contractor that we're hiring.
Last CD Played: Allman Brothers off of their box set.
6 Have You Ever...
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: Yep and it was disastrous.
Have you Ever Broken the Law: Yes
Have You Ever Been Arrested: *sigh* Yes.
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Yes
Have You Ever Been on TV: A bunch of times for various reasons. My most famous would probably be my guest appearance at the Survivor Reunion show. *snork*
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: Oh goodness, yes. That all I did my entire freshman year in college.
5 Things...
You're Wearing: Black head band, gold and silver cuff bracelet, pearl earrings, lax shorts, t-shirt.
You Did Last Night: Sulked because my DH was being a jerk to me. He apologized but I am still a bit miffed.
You Can Hear Right Now: Van Halen
You Can't Live Without: I honestly can't think of a anything. A toilet?
Do When You're Bored: Surf the net, play with the dogs or the kitty, itunes, watch crime dramas on tv.
4 Places You've Been To:
1. Paris, France
2. Frankfurt, Germany
3. Bern, Switzerland
4. San Juan, Puerto Rico
3 People You Can Tell Anything To:
Fox, Heather and DH
2 Choices...
1. Black or White: Black
2. Hot or Cold: Cold
1 Person You'd Do Anything For: