The Blue Blood Meme
What curse word do you use the most?
Definitely, unequivocally, the F word, as Carey can attest to. In second place, "douche bag". Most often times, the F word and DB together. It’s got a nice ring to it, especially when said with just the right touch of disgust.
Do you own an I Pod?
Nope, just an MP3 player.
What time is your alarm clock set for?
6:10 to get up at 6:30. If Thea had her way, 5:00 am as she usually just stares at me from her crate waiting for me to move.
What color is your room?
Celestial Blue.
Flip flops or sneakers?
Summer, flip flops. Sneakers are best for the gym and winter.
Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
Take it.
What was the last movie you watched?
"Freeway" with Reese Witherspoon. I actually liked it. Especially the part where Keifer Sutherland gets wheeled into the courtroom and she turns around and says "Holy Shit! Look who got beat with the ugly stick!!" Bwhahahaha! Loved it!
Do any of your friends have children?
Just a few.
Morning bird or night owl?
I can pinch hit for either.
Do you ever take medication to help you sleep better?
Um, does Gin count?
What CD is currently in your CD player?
I have a six CD changer in my car and there is the two discs to the Elizabethtown soundtrack, Amorica by the Black Crows, two Bruce Springsteen cds and I can’t think of what the 6th one is.
What kind of milk do you drink?
I don’t drink milk only eat it in my cereal or coffee.
Who was the last person to call you on the phone?
My grandmother, like two seconds ago.
Are you nosey?
In some respects I can be but not normally. I do love drama as long as I am not involved.
Are you shy around the opposite sex?
Not by a long shot. I have a more difficult time with women more than men.
Do you own any band tshirts?
Yes, the Grateful Dead and the Allman Brothers.
What is your favorite salad dressing?
Creamy blue cheese. YUM!
Do you cry a lot?
No, although I cried A LOT last weekend.
Who was the last person to text you a message?
Ugh. The same person who made me cry last weekend. *sigh*
Desk top or lap top?
Desk top.
Do you have any tatoos or unique peircings?
2 tattoos.
Would you ever date someone with tatoos?
Is sex before marriage wrong?
When was the last time you slept on the floor?
When we brought Bear home. Everyone downstairs on the blow-up mattress.
How old will you be at your next birthday?
Do you like cottage cheese?
Yes, especially the Hood kind with chives..
What will be your next big purchase?
New living room furniture and a new computer.
Last wicked fun thing you did?
Played in the water on a beach in Puerto Rico with a friend.