The driveway? IS PAVED!!!
WOOT! Pics to follow!
That's what my problem is. Stress. Which in turn causes me to have panic attacks which feel just like I am having a heart attack. Which when I feel as though I am having a heart attack, I stress even more that I am going to die away from my husband and that sends my heart rate up 10 clicks instantly.
I went down to NYC this past weekend to see 'Wicked' on Broadway. It was fantastic!!!
Long story short. It's too fast. The industry for DH isn't there AND, they have to call my boss here. I gave them three other references but they would have to call my boss here. That's BEFORE they offer me the job. If I DIDN'T get the job? My life of hell would go from a 10 to eleventy billion and I would have to quit almost immediately. Plus, who says that Tom would even give me a good reference. He could throw me under the bus down there just to keep me here.
...just not sure when it's going to take place. From what I have been told by the recruiter, the supervisor there is a bit concerned as to why I want a position lower than mine and was worried that ultimately, I wanted her job. Now obviously you all know the reason...TEE. I called her and explained the situation and she understood completely. She has way less experience both in our field and as a supervior than I do and I can imagine that would be worrisome. I assured her that would not be the case.
I have an interview in Nashville next week. Still waiting on the Knoxville one which is the one I really want.
In the spring, my DH always has audits to do. Strangely enough, two of the several offices he has to do this year are in Kentucky and Tennessee. So for our anniversary in June, I am going along so we can check out Lexington, Louisville, Memphis, Nashville and Knoxville. We have been doing a great deal of research into housing prices, job markets, moving calculators, writing off moving expenses, etc. I leaked the info to my family who thought the idea was 'brilliant!!' His family will not hear about this until everything is set in stone and then we will deal with the fallout. And there WILL BE fallout. I can only imagine the enormous tantrums that his family will throw when they find out.