Wednesday, June 27, 2007

July 4th plans.

(Because I just can't stand for one more second to see my last post when we still know nothing.)

Whatcha all doing for the 4th? Since it's in the middle of the week, we are doing? Nothing fun. Prolly more work on the house. Cleaning out and rearranging the linen closets, mudroom cabinets and drawers. General crap. Tell me all of your fun plans so I can live vicariously through you.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Monday at noon.

You're never sure how much you want something until you think you've got it and suddenly, it gets yanked away. That's how DH and I felt earlier this week. The firm DH has had two interviews with, rescheduled the third and final interview because the CEO couldn't make it. Then they rescheduled him again. Then it kinda of felt as though they were jerking us around and couldn't figure out a date. We figured it was over and the opportunity was gone. *sobs* I cried. *sobs* Seriously though, it seemed the future had gone black (because staying in this job, that house, this city, is the darkness of hell.) Fortunately, the heavens (or Poppa Jerry) smiled on us, they called with everything in place and they want DH sooner than the original date. It's all back on, they are paying for EVERYTHING (even sending a private car to pick him up at the airport). He flies out Sunday morning. He starts his final interview Monday morning at 9:00am. We're thinking that we'll know whether we're moving to North Carolina by Monday at noon.

Thank goodness I am going to be busy on Monday. Otherwise, around 10:00am, you'd find me wandering the office muttering to myself.

I so rarely ask for good thoughts or anything like that but if you could all 'hope' with me, that'd be fantastic. I promise to post the results as soon as I hear.

Oh and one of my favorite pics of my pups. Don't think I have posted this one.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Oop and Big B.

I had promised pictures last week so I snapped some last night. The quality sucks as that room is a PAIN to take pictures in but their expressions are nice. I'll get more this weekend when Oop turns TWO!!!

I know we are all biased when it comes to our pets or kids but holy heck, I think Thea is just one of the most gorgeous things ever. *sigh*

Friday, June 15, 2007


1. Where is your cell phone?

2. You're single/taken?

3. Your hair?

4. Your mother?

5. Your father?

6. Your favorite thing?
DH (although Oopie Poopie is a VERY close second)

7. Your dream last night?

8. Your favorite drink?

9. Your dream car?

10. The room you're in?

11. Your ex?

12. Your fear?

13. Where were you last night?

14. what you're not?

15. Muffins?

16. One of your wish list items?

17. The last thing you did?

18.What are you wearing?

19. Your pet or pets?

20. Your computer?

21. Your life?

22. Your mood?

23. Missing some one?

24. Your car?

25. Your work?

26. Like someone?

27. Your favorite color?

28. When is the last time you laughed real hard?
*boggle* (I have no idea! How pathetic is that?!)

29. Crush's first name?
Stephen (as in Hyde from that 70's show)

30. Dream job?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Final Interview.

DH had his phone interview last night. After that, they told him they would call him next week but ended up calling today at 2:00 to set it up. It's the 29th of June. *hops* I can only hope this to offer him the job and talk numbers. **FINGERS CROSSED** The light at the end of the tunnel is there! We can see it but can we actually walk into it??

I think my office is onto my relocation plan. My co-worker who I am close with (we'll call her Abby) but have NOT told, is playing up to the boss LIKE.CRAZY. I know Abby wants my job and that's all good and fine. She and TEE are going to have to fight it out. Now THAT should be interesting. Because if TEE was pissed she didn't get my job five years ago, she's going to be absolutely VOLCANIC when she doesn't get it again. Poor Abby is really going to feel her wrath. If, on the off chance, TEE does get my job? Abby will quit within 2 weeks. Gauranteed.

Now the secret that I am going to share with all of you that I haven't told anyone in my office is that ***REMOVED FOR SECURITY REASONS. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW THE SECRET, E-MAIL ME*** Neither Abby nor TEE know about this. When that bit o' knowledge hits the light of day, there should be some lovely firework action. Fun stuff!!

I also wanted to thank everyone for the encouragement and good wishes. It means a lot. I am sure you're also thrilled that if we make this move, you won't have to listen to me bitch about my job anymore. LOL!

Friday, June 08, 2007

And the winning city is...


Charlotte! But we kind of knew that already.

Our trip went extremely well. About 40 hours driving in the car. While our choice would have been Knoxville just out of sheer niceness of the locals, the industry is just not there for us. I just cannot get over how nice the people were in Knoxville. I mean over the top nice and accommodating.

DH had a killer interview on Monday in Charlotte. He was in with them for 2 ½ hours and he absolutely loved how the firm is run compared to where he works now. While he was in with them, I went to the Visitor/Relocation Center and met with a realtor.

The company that he met with scheduled a second interview by phone the same day. He’s looking to make more than what he makes here and the cost of living in Charlotte is 12% less than where we live now. Finding a home should prove very easy as there is so many new homes available within our price range. Provided that everything goes well with his second interview, we are looking at moving by September 1. Holy.Crap. I can’t freakin’ wait. Just knowing I’ll be out of here at some point gives me the hope to shine it on just a little bit longer.

Raleigh is absolutely gorgeous but the industry is mostly tied to the universities and research. Not so hot for finance and large legal firms.

So kids, Charlotte, North Carolina it is. Spring there starts in late February. That concept to me is practically insane but I LOVE IT. WOOT!!!!!!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Tough Day.


There was a hair on the floor of the Jimi Hendrix Experience bathroom today and I almost passed out from nausea. Then as I was weaving down the hallway, reeling from the trauma of the errant bathroom hair, I noticed a huge spider on the wall, like the size of a baseball, huge. I screamed, fell backwords, and to keep myself from hitting my head, I grabbed the wooden doorway which led to me getting a splinter. Michelle had to pull it out wherein, I promptly lost consciousness.

*sigh* *pours drink* *poot*

Ahhh, that's better. *grin*