Charlotte! But we kind of knew that already.
Our trip went extremely well. About 40 hours driving in the car. While our choice would have been Knoxville just out of sheer niceness of the locals, the industry is just not there for us. I just cannot get over how nice the people were in Knoxville. I mean over the top nice and accommodating.
DH had a killer interview on Monday in Charlotte. He was in with them for 2 ½ hours and he absolutely loved how the firm is run compared to where he works now. While he was in with them, I went to the Visitor/Relocation Center and met with a realtor.
The company that he met with scheduled a second interview by phone the same day. He’s looking to make more than what he makes here and the cost of living in Charlotte is 12% less than where we live now. Finding a home should prove very easy as there is so many new homes available within our price range. Provided that everything goes well with his second interview, we are looking at moving by September 1. Holy.Crap. I can’t freakin’ wait. Just knowing I’ll be out of here at some point gives me the hope to shine it on just a little bit longer.
Raleigh is absolutely gorgeous but the industry is mostly tied to the universities and research. Not so hot for finance and large legal firms.
So kids, Charlotte, North Carolina it is. Spring there starts in late February. That concept to me is practically insane but I LOVE IT. WOOT!!!!!!